KYUU's engineering staff consisted of Burt Golden, who also wrote, voiced and produced the most memorable KYUU promos to ever hit the airwaves (available now for downloading), John Foertsch, Al Taddeo-gone-tomorrow, Scott French, Ricardo Frank, Katie Reifman, Jacques Verdier, Tom Wylde, Bruce Black, Mike "Mr. Potato Head" Gitzen, Harry Young, Tony Mercurio (very sad to learn that Tony passed away four weeks after being diagnosed with testicular cancer in February, 2001), Darrell Lew, Sheila Sokol and various vacation relief staff including Michael Isaacs and Al "SU 2000"Glenn. We called him that because Shell Oil was touting their new gasoline at the "black and gold pump". Al wore gold chains and seemed like a real ladies man, and we started referring to him as "the black and gold pump", or, "SU-2000" for short. I spied Al in the audience of a marketing video by motivational speaker Chet Holmes recently. "That's SU-2000!" I yelled. Walt Ellis was chief engineer.
A special thanks to Al Taddeo (pictured at left) for the staff photos now appearing on this page. Former PD Ric Lippincott has provided most of the black and whites. I'm finally getting a color scanner soon and more photos will be posted shortly.